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HUG Community Services Limited
HUG Community Services Limited

Our Programmes

HCSL positions itself as a leading organisation that focuses on holistic journey that help incarcerated youth and youth at-risked, aiming to positively impact their lives and those around them by shaping them into contributing members of society, regardless of their past. With a focus on the future, HCSL believes a brighter tomorrow is possible for all young people.

HUG2Hearts: In-Care Programme

At HUG Community, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of inmates through our unique in-care programme. We firmly believe in the power of rehabilitation, and our workshops in prison are designed to provide inmates with opportunities for personal growth and skill development.

For our A4 Female Inmates, we've curated a range of therapeutic programmes that go beyond the bars. Imagine the serenity of flower arranging and the confidence boost of professional hair grooming sessions

These activities serve as therapeutic escapes, offering solace and a renewed sense of purpose on challenging days. But it doesn't stop there! In addition to the emotional benefits, these workshops empower the inmates to acquire valuable new skill sets, enhancing their prospects for a brighter future.

Now, let's pivot to our work at the Reformative Training Centre (RTC). Here, we've introduced the Triumph Dunk, a basketball programme that goes beyond sports. Inmates have the chance to bond as a team, fostering a sense of camaraderie that extends far beyond the court. Through this program, they learn vital leadership skills and 

 the art of teamwork, skills that are invaluable in their journey towards rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

Lives Shaping Programme (LSP): Reintegration Programme

It is a mentorship programme that is continuous from the HUG2Hearts which allows our in-care Befrienders to continue to journey with inmates to better be able to reintegrate to the society. It aims to support desistors on their path of transformation by helping others with similar backgrounds. The desistor will be attached to HUG Community Services through training and a community apprenticeship program to help rehabilitate and provide hope to families of our beneficiaries. 

Desistors would come in to HUG Community to work as a community helper, if they are really keen HUG Community can send them school such as SSI to train to become a social worker to help with the inmates in the futures. Alternatively, if they are interested in something else we can arrange with our collaboration partners to learn a different skillset such hair dressing in a salon. However, desistors would need come once a week to meet up with the mentors, and to serve the community by using the skillset they have learned.

Nice To Meet You!  (NTMY): Desistor Network Programme

Nice to Meet You (NTMY) is a cultural exchange & peer support platforms to help resistors among local and international resistors in an informal retreat setting and aims to gather local desistors, their families families and employers, and volunteers who have journeyed with those who have overcome struggles. This monthy session will have different desistors and partners working with desistors and families to share different experiences and struggles behind success and exchange problem-solving skills and culture.

HUG'S Healer Programme

Welcome to HUG's Healer Programme, a unique and heartwarming initiative that brings the therapeutic magic of dogs to the forefront of wellness. Our Dog Interaction program offers a multitude of physical and mental health benefits, particularly for youth, desistors, and seniors. Through the comforting presence and activities with therapy dogs, we aim to create a community of 'paw-parents,' individuals who not only experience a substantial reduction in their own stress levels but also pass on the remarkable stress-relieving benefits to others. 

This ripple effect reaches various sectors, meeting a critical need in the field of mental health and well-being. The incredible power of human and dog interaction

prompts the body to release 'happy hormones' like serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin, resulting in relaxation and a reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

The presence of our furry companions provides comfort, alleviates loneliness, and offers a much-needed distraction during challenging times. Moreover, for those facing mental health blocks, the introduction of animal interaction often serves as an effective icebreaker between individuals, fostering a sense of connection and easing the barriers that can exist in discussing and addressing emotional or psychological challenges, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the calming and therapeutic process. Notably, for patients with dementia who struggle with agitation, the support of these interactions plays a significant role in mitigating these negative behaviours.  

If you’re a proud owner of dogs or rabbits, you are most welcome to be part of our community and participate in our animal-interaction activities! Join us on this remarkable journey towards an improved mental health, enhanced well-being, and a happier, healthier community. 

Do Note:
HUG Community Services Limited (HCSL) does not certify therapy dogs. The purpose of our assessment is to screen your dog’s suitability for volunteering at HCSL’s programs and activities only.

Mai Gong Bo Jio : A Coffee Corner Community Initiative

HUG's Mai Gong Bo Jio Programme, is a coffee corner initiative held every Saturday from 9.30 am to 10.30 am, which represents a nuanced and essential cornerstone of our community fabric. Beyond its seemingly simple premise of offering breakfast, this initiative serves as a dynamic platform for intergenerational interaction, where the wisdom of the elderly converges with the curiosity of the youth in a harmonious exchange. Here, amidst the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the warmth of shared conversations, bonds are forged, stories are exchanged, and understanding blossoms.

The programme not only provides nourishment for the body but also feeds the soul, offering a sense of belonging and purpose for the elderly while instilling values of empathy and respect in the younger generation. Through Mai Gong Bo Jio, HUG exemplifies the transformative power of meaningful connections, weaving threads of unity and compassion that strengthen the very essence of our community. Moreover, this programme serves as an invaluable opportunity for the elderly to step out of their homes, relieving them of any notion of isolation and allowing them to create sincere connection with their neighbours. Additionally, for students, Mai Gong Bo Jio serves as a platform to learn about service and leadership firsthand, as they take on responsibilities such as organising activities, serving food, and engaging with the elderly, thereby cultivating valuable life skills and nurturing a spirit of empathy and responsibility.